Friday, January 18, 2013

Update...New Adventure...

Something New...
Hey gang..just popping in to give you all a quick update...Carlie is doing well...slow moving but moving none the less. Many thanks for all the well wishes, i truly appreciate all the prayers and hugs you sent our way. Doctors think they got all the cancer but we won't know until the official results come back from pathology. So we are hoping for the best..oh and she just loved her card...she didn't even realize that cervical cancer had it's own ribbon colour...
On another note...i have absolutely no markers, papers, or a printer to create any cards but i did bring a small block of polymer clay. Today a had a little time while my granddaughter was having her nap and i managed to create a practice face. I'm hoping to create some cute fairies in the near future. I have a long way to go but this was my first try. As you know i've done a couple babies before but i'm looking to have a more doll like face than a baby face...not that i mastered the babies..far from it but i always wanted to do fairies...i'm hoping to have a few done for this Christmas seasons craft sales and to start my granddaughter with a collection..Only if i'm happy with them of course...i'm really hard on myself and they have to be i'm just practicing for now..I thought i would show you what came about today...a little creepy but what can i say...No ears, and the eyes are a little crooked but have a look...
I think her proportions turned out ok..but would like a more delicate nose in the future and i have to master the eyes....What do you all think???
Thanks for dropping by..


abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

So happy your Daughter is doing ok. My thoughts and prayers are still with you all! Great face! I bought a baby off of Ebay and I ADORE it!! It is quite an art! Carri~Abusybee

snappy scrappy said...

Wow! Lee-Ann :)

Eileen said...

So glad to read good news about your daughter Kim. If they say they got it all I'm sure they wouldn't say it if they weren't sure, but will keep my fingers crossed anyway till the results are in.
Good luck with the doll faces this one certainly looks a lot nicer than some I have seen
Eileen x

Anonymous said...

Great news about your daughter Kim! This face is so realistic...kinda creepy...but in a good way!

Jessica said...

Glad to hear your daughter is doing ok!
Wow that face is really good, you shouldn´t be so hard on yourself! You are really good!

Hugss Jessica

Judy said...

Hey Kimberly,

So happy to hear your daughter is doing well, and will keep both of you in my prayers. I think your first doll face looks great! My mom has worked with clay and wood for years, and I can assure you, it's not an easy WTG you!! Can't wait to see how you progress.


zandra said...

So, glad things are getting better for your daughter. I think your baby face is awesome. Sending good wishes your way.

Jenn Borjeson said...

Glad to hear the good news, will continue to keep her in my thoughts. I love the face - I just know you're going to make these absolutely beautiful. Best of luck!